Opportunity: More efficient way of recharging laptops
I believe there is an opportunity in a more efficient way to recharge laptops for college students and traveling employees as a lot of people experience inefficient ways of recharging their laptop. Students and employees are on the move more often so they can’t always charge their laptops for a prolonged period and some places may be difficult to find an outlet to charge them.
The who: College students, commuting employees
The what: In need of easier and more efficient method to charge laptops wherever one is.
The why: More people are on the move a lot of the time and don’t have time to leave a laptop charging. People have a laptop as their main PC which run on batteries.
Testing the who: I believe basically anyone with a laptop and is traveling frequently (whether short or long distance) have this need. Many people now use laptops as their main PC compared to desktops.
Testing the what: There are already some wireless laptop chargers out there. However, they are still clunky, still need to be charged in an outlet to use, almost like a battery pack. Basically, it’s a laptop charger without the wire, making it “wireless.” It still uses wires though. Right now, in the age of wireless, laptops still need to be charged with typically a power brick and cables, which is inefficient.
Testing the why: More and more people are using laptops as their daily PC, mainly, because of the portability factor. College students have this need as they go to clubs, classes, and want to move around to do work. Employees, particularly in the tech environment have this need as well. They travel, commute, or sometimes must do work remotely, and need their laptop to constantly be on to function.
Interview #1
Software Developer Citi Bank
The software developer I interviewed has had some trouble with laptop charging issues. He has a main desktop PC, but also has a laptop for travel. He pointed out that one major problem depends on the power (in terms of computer specs and components) of his laptop. His laptop is basically a portable workstation to be able to do his work. He says because of this he usually has to lower some performance settings, so his laptop doesn’t die as fast as he sometimes doesn’t have a place to charge it in other than the hotel room. Also, he mentioned that in the couple of times he has had to fly out to meeting “conventions” for work the crowded meeting areas usually has laptop charger wires all over the floor.
Interview #2
College Student (Sophomore)
The college student I interviewed did believe a better way to charge her laptop would be nice, but she also put an emphasis that their laptop was very efficient in battery life. She really didn’t have to use the charger until she got back to her apartment. She believes though that at the times she did need to use a charger it would be nice to have a more efficient option. She said that her charger weighs more than her laptop, and for her personally, she doesn’t like to carry around that much in her day to day activities. However, she wasn’t too annoyed by it.
Interview #3
College Student (Freshman)
This college student has involved himself in a lot of activities, so he is rarely at his apartment. He spends a lot of time on campus and does most of his work on his laptop. He tells me he sometimes must accommodate himself to a spot near a wall outlet when he sees his laptop get low on battery life, which annoys him. He also told me that when he eats out or gets coffee and decides to do work he usually has to control the time he is on it as he knows he is going to be in other places that needs to use the laptop, and doesn’t want to be recharging it. He is uncertain if he would be able to make it throughout the day without recharging, so he just manages his time on his laptop to avoid that situation.
Interview 4
Computer Scientist IHMC
The research scientist I interviewed has a MacBook Pro to do his work. Even though he loves it, he also stated that his laptop charger wire is starting to come apart as the coat protecting the actual wires is beginning to rip open. The costs to replace the charger is expensive and he’s only had it for a couple of years. This is because of the amount of traveling he must do for competitions, and meetings. He usually ends up cramming his charger in his backpack at the last second when he leaves. He feels the wire coating for it isn’t very durable (he says in general most apple chargers don’t last). Even though he knows he should take better care of it, he doesn’t like how unreliable the cables can be. He is on his laptop and must have the charger plugged in at all times for the sheer amount of applications and google chrome tabs he has open.
Interview 5
College Student (Senior)
This college student feels that while it would be nice to have a wireless charger, he doesn’t feel like it’s an absolute necessity. He has a MacBook Air, and says it lasts him throughout the whole day. He also brought up the fact though that his usage is very sporadic and for short periods of time. He does carry his charger around just in case but doesn’t need to use it. He did say though that if there were a time, he would like to have a wireless option, it would be at his own apartment. Sometimes he wants to move around to work in a different area rather than his desk and finds that he has to sometimes go back to his desk or backpack to go get the charger and then situate himself near an outlet. But for him it was more of a “nice to have” rather than a need overall.
What I didn’t know before:
This opportunity may come down to a case by case basis. It seems like people who have more powerful laptops have this need more than others. However, I realized there also seems to be a case of people that have to be, let’s say “frugal” about the battery life with their laptops to make sure it lasts the whole day. It seems like people just want to avoid having to plug it into the wall until they are back home. Also, the research scientist I interviewed made me think about Apple Chargers. I’ve also had the experience of their wires not being durable and having to replace them. There could be more of an opportunity with laptop chargers on the Apple product side rather than the PC (HP, Lonovo, Dell, etc.) side. I also found out that maybe not so many people are annoyed of having to carry around their charger as I thought. They mentioned it, but not entirely annoyed by it which I found surprising.