Thursday, April 16, 2020

Celebrating Failure (26A)

1. During this semester I failed in getting an internship at my top interest company: Texas Instruments

2. What I learned from this is just getting used to being denied on opportunities, and to learn to accept the outcome, even if it is something you really want. I felt pretty good when sending my resume, and going through that process, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

3. In terms of the failure, I really believe I just need to be continually improving to become the applicant they want and for any employer. Whether that be with technical skills, people skills, and knowledge in general. I use failure as a source of motivation for myself as I like to be challenged and enjoy trying to prove myself to become the ideal person, and for a job, the ideal candidate. This class has taught me to take more risks, get a little uncomfortable and to just talk to people. I feel more comfortable just approaching people in general because of this class.


  1. Hello Raul!
    I really enjoyed how you approached your failure experience. Using failure to motivate you is one of the best things to do when you have a failed experience. It will just prepare and make you even better for the next opportunity. Continue to work hard, and it will pay off. I was inspired by reading your post! Great job.

  2. Hello Raul!
    I have similar experience with you during this semester. I also failed one of my favorite jobs in the sports industries which made me very painful and sad. It is great to see that you did not give up and prepare more to continue your life with more challenges. As we all know, life would not stop if we keep crying. In this case, adjusting our life attitudes is very important to encourage us to become more advanced.

  3. Hi Raul,

    I am sorry to hear you didn't get this internship. However, being able to learn from failure and be able to come out stronger is very important. Keep trying and and one day you will be strong enough as a candidate to get the internship of your dreams. I always believe things happen for a reason
