Thursday, April 16, 2020

Your Exit Strategy (28A)

1. Depending on how profitable the business is I would potentially sell it. However, in selling it I would want to sell it to someone who would hold the business to the same standards I would of excellence. So potentially I would sell it to someone I would trust rather than to just anyone, or another company that would try to buy.

2. I intend on this strategy as I don’t want the work I put into it to go to waste in a couple of years by selling it to someone who wouldn’t have the same care of the business. It would also not look good on me to sell a company for someone to then destroy it or not provide the same level of excellence it had when I had it.

3. I really don’t think my exit strategy has influenced anything. I always knew I wanted to build a business that has a good reputation to it and provides a quality product to the customers. In terms of growth intentions though I would plan to branch out into more areas to become diversified. However, I would still want to maintain the level of excellence in every aspect of the business. So, if that potentially means to sticking to one area that I would do exceptionally well in, I would stick to only one area rather than being mediocre in a lot of potential markets. 


  1. Hello Raul!
    I fully agree with you that "I would want to sell it to someone who would hold the business to the same standards I would of excellence". In my post, I said something similar except I plan to stay with my business until I retire to uphold all the company standards. I think you did very well on this post! Great job.

  2. Hi Raul!
    What a great strategy that you decided to use same format business to help people understand your exit strategy. In the meantime, you mentioned that your exit strategy did not influence anything which is great. Most people's strategies affect their plans negatively which determined the trend of development of their business plans. In general, you did a great job on your analysis of strategies.

  3. Hey Raul,

    Regarding your exit strategy, it also depends upon the success of the business for myself as well and I do find that I agree with your points. I do think if I believe my business is not successful then selling it is also a great idea. I also find that branching out is a very valid option.

    Overall, great post!
