Thursday, April 16, 2020

Reading Reflection No.3 (27A)

Book- Andrew Carnegie by David Nasaw
1. What surprised me the most about Andrew Carnegie was how fraudulent he was and the unethical practices he developed as he was rising in wealth and power. What I most admired about the entrepreneur was that he was financially savvy and independent, and one that knew how to manage money. What I least admired was again his fraudulent and unethical practices he committed as he was already wealthy. There wasn’t really a need to do some of the thing he did. Andrew Carnegie did encounter failure, particularly in his childhood as he was poor. He dealt with the adversity by using the skills and talents he acquired to work hard and saved money from his job to grow his own business.

2. The competencies of Andrew Carnegie is him being brilliant with money, and his way of working to improve his business to gain any advantage possible. Carnegie was also willing to adapt his plans to be able to continually improve on his own perspectives and thoughts on how thing should be done.

3. There wasn’t a part of the book I really found confusing or difficult to understand. If anything, I really want to understand his change of heart to becoming a more moral person as he all of a sudden changed to become more giving, and philanthropic.

4. My questions:
What made you change your values and attitudes  in becoming more moral as time passed on?
How did it feel like being the richest person in the world at that point?

5. What I believe his opinion of hard work was to value the work one did. He became the richest person in the world by begin able to save and be financially smart with his money when he earned it. He valued his hard work to the point where he wanted to eventually let the money work for him. He was frugal, and that benefited him greatly as he was able to make it on his own because of it. If he didn’t value his hard work, he would’ve wasted the money and never became the person he did in the world. I agree with this as there are a lot of people that work hard, but never have a frugal mindset in order to save. This leads to that work sort of being useless as you have nothing to show for it.


  1. Hi Raul:
    What a great book that you decided to analyze how author proposed his life aspects based on the book. At the beginning part, you provided a clear aspect of how author could demonstrate his personality through his life experience. Moreover, it is better for you to connect this book with the class and design some practices for students to develop their business ideas correspondingly.

  2. Hey Raul,
    It has always confused me when people with money and power use it to commit unethical and fraudulent acts. They have the potential to be successful with a clean record and they choose the possibility of going to jail. I would never want to risk my freedom when a little hard work could make me successful in the right way. Sounds like an awesome book.
